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2016-12-22 Happy Holidays !

This year was very special for us.
We have started Five International Gallery as an on-line project where unique masterpieces and art lovers could meet, and brought it to Toronto and GTA throwing art shows, exhibitions and art cocktail parties.
This year was filled with inspiration, traveling, and meetings with beautiful talented people: artists, art collectors, customers and art dealers.
With a lot of joy and gratefulness, from the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank all our friends, business partners, artists, sponsors, customers and collectors for sharing our vision, for support and wonderful ideas. Your trust gives us wings and energy to continue this beautiful project. Thank you 2016 for being so great, for all the challenges and opportunities, we have got a lot of experience and achievements. And thanks for all of you for being with us and multiplying beauty and art life style together!
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, may your dreams come true and your days be full of joy!

For new photos videos please visit our Facebook

We want to stay in touch, because we are constantly improving and eager to share with valued customers and friends the newest. Plus many our events are free of charge. But if you wish to unsubscribe, please reply this email with REMOVE, we will process your request within five business days.
© 2015 Five International, Inc. and/or its Affiliates in Belgium, Caribbean Sea, and China. All Rights Reserved. 加拿大飛舞國際公司

Five International Gallery | 63572 Woodside Square, Toronto, Canada | 416-565-5122 | www.i5i.ca |
飛舞國際畫廊 |