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2016-07-02 Gallery Vernissage

We visited the gallery in Elora, a beautiful town in Ontario, discussing with the well known artist Kreso Cavlovic about business corporation in mainland China markets, and our upcoming art exhibits in Toronto.

2016-07-29 Caribbean Carnival kick-off celebration at Toronto Police

Friday, July 29, 2016, at 11 a.m., at police headquarters, 40 College Street.
This year’s theme is "Where the World Connects." . The Toronto Caribbean Carnival event celebrates the cultural heritage of people from the Caribbean and the spirit that they contribute to Canadian culture.
The Service has been participating in this event since 1991. This participation will include a float in the Toronto Caribbean Carnival Parade, as well as celebrations at the local Divisions. Numerous dignitaries and community members will join the Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board, and the Chief at the celebration. This event will also feature cultural entertainment followed by an informal reception.
Photos with Vice Chair Chin Lee and Inspector Fernandes.

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© 2015 Five International, Inc. and/or its Affiliates in Belgium, Caribbean Sea, and China. All Rights Reserved. 加拿大飛舞國際公司

Five International Gallery | 63572 Woodside Square, Toronto, Canada | 416-565-5122 | www.i5i.ca |
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